How Suncrest lives the Code of Conduct
Students are made aware of our Code of Conduct in ways that make sense for their age range. They are also involved in lessons that promote social-emotional well-being (e.g. breathing exercises, calm down strategies, gratitude circles) and they are taught problem-solving language, e.g. when you (state behaviour), I feel (state emotion) and I want you to (state what you need to solve problem). If you don’t (state need) then I will report to an adult. Students are encouraged to report behaviours that contravene our Code of Conduct right away so that adults may step in to assist. Self-advocacy is a life skill!
What happens when behaviours do not meet the expectations of the Code?
Most code breaches are minor and can be resolved with a conversation between the people involved. Often there is an opportunity to teach communication strategies, conflict resolution skills and assertiveness. Gaining a deeper understanding of each other goes a long way too.
When students are a part of, or witness, concerning behaviour, the following process is activated:
- student reports to an adult (teacher, principal, noon-hour supervisor) right away. If reporting to a parent, the parent is to inform the child’s teacher or principal
- staff will gather information and any of the following actions may be taken:
- problem-solving conversation with students
- employ a fix-it strategy (make it right)
- apply a consequence
- parents may be contacted
If the behaviour is more serious, the following actions may be taken:
- parents will be contacted
- outside agencies maybe engaged (e.g. RCMP)
- student may receive an in-school or out-of-school suspension
- problem-solving conversation with students
- employ a fix-it strategy
In all cases, efforts are made to support, educate and resolve problems through discussion, mediation and restitution. It is our desire to strengthen everyone through self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and responsible decision-making.
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